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Step 1: Create Your Eating Schedule (When To Eat)

Planning and preparation is key to almost everything. We all know that.

When it comes to fitness, knowing when you’ll eat is just as important as WHAT and HOW you should be eating.

It’s essential you know exactly how many meals a day you should be having (again, this is based off your schedule and preferences), and when you’ll be eating them. If you don’t have a structured eating schedule yet, here’s how to figure that out.

How to Figure Out How Many Meals You’ll Eat

By planning out when you’ll eat, it becomes much easier to regulate what you’re eating and how much. In other words, you are taking control of the calories you are consuming.

These pre-planned meals will be the only times you eat going forward. No more snacking.

Your eating schedule will be completely up to you, and will be dependent on two things:

  1. Your current lifestyle and
  2. Your meal size preference

If you have a busy lifestyle that makes it difficult finding time to eat, then you’ll have less frequent meals:

Two Meals — Skip breakfast, eat lunch and dinner

Three Meals — Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

If your schedule is flexible and meal frequency isn’t a problem, aim for 3 or 4 meals.

And if you really enjoy smaller, more frequent feeding, then go for 5-6.

Also, keep in mind the number of meals might vary on training/ workout days.

Decide on a number of meals that you can stick to on a regular basis, and write it down on a piece of paper (or the accompanying worksheet if you bought the Premium version of this manual).